Keto Diet Food Guide: What to Eat and Avoid for Keto Success

One of the first things a beginner on the keto diet needs to know is; what should you eat and what should you avoid? The ketogenic (keto) diet has gained immense popularity over recent years for its potential to support weight loss, increase energy levels, and improve overall well-being. Critical to the success of the keto diet is understanding which foods to include and which ones to avoid. In this guide, we will break down the do’s and don’ts of the keto diet, equipping you with the knowledge to make informed choices and achieve your health goals.

Foods to Enjoy on the Keto Diet:

Healthy Fats:

  • Avocado: A nutrient-dense source of monounsaturated fats.
  • Olive Oil: Rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants.
  • Coconut Oil: Contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that can boost ketone production.
  • Grass-Fed Butter: A source of healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Ghee: A clarified butter that provides a concentrated dose of healthy fats.
  • Fatty Fish: Salmon, sardines, mackerel, and trout are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Low-Carb Vegetables:

  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, lettuce, and Swiss chard are low in carbs and high in nutrients.
  • Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are rich in fiber and vitamins.
  • Zucchini: A versatile vegetable that can be spiralized into noodles or used in various recipes.
  • Asparagus: A low-calorie vegetable packed with nutrients and dietary fiber.
  • Bell Peppers: Colorful peppers are low in carbs and provide a good amount of vitamins.

High-Quality Protein:

  • Eggs: A budget-friendly source of high-quality protein and healthy fats.
  • Poultry: Chicken and turkey breast are lean sources of protein.
  • Lean Meats: Beef, pork loin, and veal are protein-rich options with minimal fat.
  • Fish: Tuna, cod, halibut, and tilapia are excellent protein sources.
  • Plant-Based Protein: Tofu, tempeh, and seitan provide protein for vegetarians and vegans.

Nuts and Seeds:

  • Almonds: Packed with healthy fats, fiber, and vitamin E.
  • Walnuts: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.
  • Chia Seeds: A good source of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Flaxseeds: High in fiber and plant-based omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Pumpkin Seeds: Provide protein, healthy fats, and minerals like magnesium.

Dairy Products (in moderation):

  • Full-Fat Cheese: Cheddar, mozzarella, and feta can be enjoyed in moderation.
  • Greek Yogurt: Opt for unsweetened varieties with no added sugars.
  • Unsweetened Nut Milk: Almond milk and coconut milk are low-carb alternatives.


  • Strawberries: Low in carbs and rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • Raspberries: High in fiber and antioxidants.
  • Blackberries: A tasty and nutritious option with a low glycemic index.

Foods to Limit on the Keto Diet:

Starchy Vegetables:

  • Potatoes: White potatoes and sweet potatoes are high in carbs.
  • Corn: A starchy vegetable that should be consumed in moderation.
  • Peas: Higher in carbohydrates compared to non-starchy vegetables.
  • Carrots: While nutritious, they contain more carbs than leafy greens.


  • Most fruits contain natural sugars and should be consumed in moderation.
  • Opt for smaller portions of berries, which are lower in carbs.

Grains and Legumes:

  • Wheat: Avoid bread, pasta, and other wheat-based products.
  • Rice: White and brown rice are high in carbohydrates.
  • Oats: Steel-cut oats and rolled oats are carb-dense options.
  • Beans and Lentils: These legumes are high in carbs and should be limited.

Sugary Foods and Sweeteners:

  • Candy: Avoid sugary treats and confectioneries.
  • Cookies: Traditional cookies are typically high in carbs and sugar.
  • Soda: Regular soda and sugary beverages should be eliminated.
  • Honey, Maple Syrup, Agave: These sweeteners are high in sugar and carbs.

Processed Foods:

  • Packaged Snacks: Avoid chips, crackers, and other processed snacks.
  • Pre-Packaged Meals: Convenience meals often contain hidden sugars and unhealthy fats.
  • Processed Meats: Deli meats and sausages may contain added sugars and preservatives.

High-Carb Beverages:

  • Regular Soda: High in sugar and carbs, opt for sugar-free alternatives.
  • Fruit Juices: Most fruit juices are loaded with sugars and should be avoided.
  • Sweetened Coffee Drinks: Sugary coffee beverages are not keto-friendly.
  • Alcoholic Beverages: High-sugar cocktails and beer should be limited.

Tips of meal planning

  • Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods.
  • Experiment with keto-friendly recipes and meal ideas.
  • Incorporate a variety of low-carb vegetables for essential nutrients.
  • Opt for lean sources of protein and fatty fish.
  • Use healthy fats as the primary source of energy.
  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Plan and prepare meals in advance to stay on track.

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